viernes, 29 de abril de 2022


 Reading and Writing in College

In college, academic expectations change from what you may have experienced in high school. The quantity of work you are expected to do is increased. When instructors expect you to read pages upon pages or study hours and hours for one particular course, managing your work load can be challenging. Regardless of your field of study, honing your writing skills—and your reading and critical-thinking skills—gives you a more solid academic foundation.

The quality of the work you do also changes. It is not enough to understand course material and summarize it on an exam. You will also be expected to seriously engage with new ideas by reflecting on them, analyzing them, critiquing them, making connections, drawing conclusions, or finding new ways of thinking about a given subject. Educationally, you are moving into deeper waters. A good introductory writing course will help you swim.

Table 1 “High School versus College Assignments” summarizes some of the other major differences between high school and college assignments.

Review Table 1. “High School versus College Assignments” and think about how you have found your college experience to be different from high school so far. Respond to the following questions:

1. In what ways do you think college will be more rewarding for you as a learner?

2. What aspects of college do you expect to find most challenging?

3. What changes do you think you might have to make in your life to ensure your success in college?


44 comentarios:

  1. Hi, here is my answer.
    1)College will be more rewarding on ways like new learning methods, where to look for resources and increasing our knoledge and inteligence in some ways, on the other hand it will be more dificult than school because it demands much more time, practise and study.
    2)I think that the most challenging aspect of the university is the final exams, since they demand a lot of study and preparation, therefore more time is needed to study
    3)I dont think theres much on my life to change to succeed in college, but maybe i should start by being more organized and take more notes on the classes, however, i know college is not going to be easy, and it will demand lot of attencion on every class i take.

  2. Hello! Here are my answers.

    College is usually considered a new chapter in life because of all the changes that come with it. High school experience is absolutely different from going to college, it is not only about how much more your teachers expect from you, thing that might make a lot of people feel pressured, but also because of the amount of material that has to be read, understood and handed in, so you can properly become a professional some day. So far I have seen a few of these aspects of college, so based on this:

    1. From my point of view college is a unique experience, and as many others, the knowledge that comes with the classes it is not found very easily somewhere else, so I believe that college will help me to someday get to be who I want to be, as well as to help me get to know which are my strengths and weaknesses, so I can work on them.

    2. I am definitely expecting the courses alongside their material to be complicated and very different from high school, these things are probably what will be challenging and exhausting for me.

    3. Some of the changes that I am already starting to make, so I can have a better experience are: managing my time better, not being so shy, paying attention to dates or things that I need to get done and writing them down so I do not forget them, and having a routine that will keep me healthy.


  3. Hi miss Sandra
    1) I think that it would be more regarding as a learner because college is harder and the quantity of content that you have to learn is a lot and is also more specific.
    2) What I find more challenging is the fact that now I have to study harder and this will take more of my free time. Although you think this could sound silly, being with new mates and in a new building is hard for me.
    3) I think that in this new stage of my life I will have to spend the weekends studying and I will have to spend less time playing video games.

  4. Hi Miss Sturla and everyone, to introduce myself shortly, this is my first year. So,answering the first question I think it’ll be a little (too much) stressful but I’ll enjoy it and make good things for my future because it would give me another study method and I think everything is gonna be harder than high school but in the end it’ll be worth it. Second, mmh I think the ‘freedom’ that colleague gives to you, will allow me to organize all the materials and academic texts by my own and it’s kinda scary because all my marks depend on me. And the last question… Well, I think I have to dedicate more time than I actually do, I mean I spend an important hours studying but I think I could do it better. I always think about some random phrase “You have to worry but you have to take care too”. Of course in Spanish sounds better :D.

  5. Hi Sandra,

    In my personal experience, I’ve already been in college and I experienced a new sensation of freedom, but it came with new aspects of student’s duty that I’d never felt in my high school years. Nowadays, I am aware that college involves more commitment, though, it's noticeably more rewarding, because in college you don’t study to satisfy the teacher, but for your future.

    1. I consider that in college instead of high school, you learn in order to reach a personal achievement. And also when you are in college your effort and improvement is more personal, along with committed to self-study.
    2. Based on my experience, the aspect of college that I found quite challenging was time management. I took many subjects at the same time, and sometimes I didn’t have enough time to study them fully.
    3. In relation to my last answer, I’m pretty organized now, and also I’ve learned how to prioritize tasks and identify must-do work. I found out that worked for me and that built new habits was essential for making progress.

    See you next class!

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. 1. There are some things that definitely will be more rewarding for me as a student, such as learning new things related to my interests. In addition, it is important to mention that studying new teaching or class management methods will be beneficial for me in the short or medium term. I also expect to be satisfied with my progress in the language. Nevertheless, I am sure that more things related to college will surprise me and enrich my teacher’s training.

    2. Regarding my expected challenges in college, time management might be one of them. It seems to be an abrupt change, since you have to spend less time in the teachers training college than at high school, but the time of study at home is considerably more.
    Moreover, adapting to a new environment, with new people and new subjects is one of the challenges that I expect too.

    3. In order to succeed in college, I have already found that creating a fruitful routine is vital. This routine needs to be perfectioned over time, as I learn about my strengths and weaknesses related to the academic material or activities.

  8. 1- I Think college will be more rewarding for me as a learner, because being a college student is a bigger challenge. It requires a greater effort not only the readings assigments you are suppose to read, but also understanding them and expose your point of view. Besides this, you should be prepear to put all the knowledge you have acquired in practice once you will graduate.
    2- The most challenging aspect for me, will be keeping up with each subject, classes and exams.
    3- I think I'll need to manage my time in a better way, being more organized and more patient when I couldn't fulfill my objetives.
    See you next class

  9. Hello, Sandra!

    After carefully reading your post, I tried to answer all three questions to the best of my abilities.

    1. This is my first experience with higher education, and so far I felt nothing but confused, but I guess it's because it's just the beginning. I expect college to help me to learn more about different study methods. It may be something simple, but I've always struggled with studying and I believe learning how to manage myself will help me a lot in the future.
    2. Time management, definitely. There are a lot of things to do in so little time! I honestly don't know how I'm supposed to organise myself, and it's something I'm looking forward to learning.
    3. I would like to say I'm a very capable person, but I think nothing is ever enough when it comes to success. Therefore, I might need to set some priorities regarding college and what I believe may help throughout the process of learning.

    I hope you have a good day. See you!

  10. Hello teacher.
    1. In what ways do you think college will be more rewarding for you as a learner?
    I think college will be more rewarding for the reason that it implies studying harder. In this way, I can accumulate and get involved with more knowledge that I consider important for my own objectives and goals and because I want to become professional in the subject that I am learning. Another thing that I find important to highlight is that in college you are more independent.
    2. What aspects of college do you expect to find most challenging?
    One thing that I consider most challenging is to pass all the subjects in time.
    3. What changes do you think you might have to make in your life to ensure your success in college?
    Get really involved in the study. Give it dedication and hard work.

  11. Hello Miss Sturla,
    Here is what I think,
    1) From my point of view, college will open my mind to new ways of doing things and thinking, and it will also give me freedom. And this last one is the most important in my case because in high school there is only one way of doing the things, but in college you can do it by you own way and that will improve my skills as a student.

    2) As I see it, until I get used to the "college world" and all the things that come with it, it will be a bit of a challenge for me. So I'll try to do my best!

    3) The first change that I"ll have to do is reduce my leasure time and see after my studies, which I think is the most important.
    The second one might be organizing my study books. What I write on them and how I should do it.
    I think those could be some of the changes I might have to succeed in college.
    Thank you for reading and see you next week!

  12. Hi teacher!
    1) I think college will be more rewarding for me because it requires a lot of effort, study and dedication and being prepared to apply everything learned is also a challenge.
    2) what i find more challenching in the college are the finals exams and the time to organize and study
    3)i think i have to learn to organize myself better and be more patient.

  13. Hello teacher.
    After reading this I think my thoughts on college can be summarizes as the following.
    I think college is gonna be a good experience to better my understanding on what means to learn, since the responsibility of it it's mostly gonna rely on me, getting to know my limits and how to surpass them is gonna be a critical part of my success on this part of my life that I hope I can accomplish.

  14. Hello Teacher! After read this post I think about my student life, and say, this is a period of my life where I need lear and unlear a lot of thigs, if I go on with that thought everythig will be better!
    I expect to find most challenging the reading assigments somethigs has a difficult words something different from what I used to read however I can do it!
    I should organize my life for give the necessary time to study, sleep well, read, practice and have a helth habits!

  15. ¡Hello Miss Sturla!
    This is what i think...
    1)I think college will be more rewarding for me as a learner because i will be able to get a deep knowledge in the field of something I love (english lenguage and teaching) which is different from what i did in high school where i had to study what was given to me regardless if it was related to something i liked or not.
    2)I expect to find the abbility to manage time to study and handle a lot of work compared of what i am used to the most callenging part of college.
    3) I'll have to start to be more responsable and not let everything to last minute because i know otherwise i won't be successeful in college.

  16. Hi Miss Sturla,
    I think it will be more rewarding that we'll be learning not only content in different subjects but also different learning techniques, greater reading comprehension, and better writing and vocabulary.
    Personally, the aspect that I expect to be more challenging is expressing my ideas and conclusions about the material we'll be working with. I also believe I might have to change my workload management and time organization.

  17. Hi everyone my name is Facundo Recalde.
    After reading the text i conclude that being in college will be very rewarding for me because all the subjects are very interesting and related with my goal which is becoming an english teacher.
    The aspect of college i think will be more challenging for me is to learn the correct way to study, because at secondary school i passed all my exams only paying attention at the class, so i have never studied a lot.
    And finally the changes that i should make in my life to ensure my success in college would be take more time to study instead of wasting time on the internet or even with friends

  18. High school vs college

    1. In what ways do you think college will be more rewarding for you as a learner?
    I think I will get more autonomy and analysis capacity, I will incorporate more tools for my development in life.

    2. What aspects of college do you expect to find most challenging?
    The amount of material to read and work with and to reach the rhythm of college are my biggest challenges.

    3. What changes do you think you might have to make in your life to ensure your success in college?
    I have to be more organized, and take things with less anxiety.

  19. Santiago Cerda Astete6 de mayo de 2022, 5:12 a.m.

    Hello, here are my answers
    1) I belive college will be more rewarding because, instead of studying multiples subjest of different importance at the same time, we're studying an specific subject and learning way more that we did in school ( by that I mean the amount of materialand information that we get)

    2) I guess that the more challenging part of being in college will be pepare myself for the finals, because they alway bring with them alot of efort and a lot of presure.

    3) I don't think I will do a lot of changes, I think that if I do something drastic, like change the way that I study, everything i gonna go south, so I will just try to addapt to this new world with the tolls I have and hope to survive. But, if i have to start somewere i guess i will be more responsible and concious about my situation

  20. 1. College it’s more rewarding in many cases. If we compare college to high school there’s a lot differents stuff. In college you decide what you want study and it’s more personal beacuse you choose your time to finish the course.
    2. In my experience my most challenging aspects is to concentrate. I used to find it difficult a few years ago in highschool. So I’ve been looking for some techniques to improve that. I hope they will work.
    3. The changes i have to make to ensure my sucess in college are organized my time and my space. And read the material regulary so I don’t have problems when exams came.

  21. Hi Teacher! Here are my answers:
    1. I think college will be more rewarding in a lot of new ways. We are going to learn how to teach and how to truly learn. This new experience is going to give us new resources for our future.
    2. To be honest, I expect the exams to be the most challenging part. Also, having the time for everything and being able to organize my day is going to be a challenge.
    3. There are a lot of things that I know are going to change, there are things that have already changed. But I guess that priorities are different now, because I have to dedicate more time to my studies now.

  22. Hello, Miss!

    1) At this moment, it's difficult for me to think of something rewarding about college. Maybe it would be in the effort that I will put in passing the subjects and valuing this when I have achieved it.

    2) Everything! From reading long content to being able to understand and explain them.
    Honestly, to be here it's a big change and something that didn't expect this year at least. I have left the High School 15 years ago and I feel quite rusty to this day.

    3) Clearly I'm going to have to change my mind, my thoughts.
    First of all, I need to be strong in my head and forget thoughts like to want to leave any subject or the career before the first frustration.

  23. Hello! Miss Sandra!
    1) I think that college will be more rewarding for me, if it teaches me everything the tools and skills necessary to understand better the college's assignments, and this way I will be prepared for exams and don't fail.

    2) I think the most challenging will be, when after the final quarter, have a final exam and study a lot for each subject in the same time.

    3) I think, when I have any doubt or if I don't understand about a topic, I have to ask the teachers. Besides I should participate in class, and pay attention when my classmates ask something, this way I think it help me to clarify doubts about the class, and I should have ensure success in college. In addition, I need to study a lot, for several hours.

  24. Hello, My name is Vanesa Molina.
    After reading the material I could clearly understand the differences between high school and college.
    Colllege education expect us to be more of an autonomous student for our own benefit. Therefor I consider that maybe the most challenging aspect would be to be organized and set proper time for reading and studying, and stick to it.
    This would lead us to what I consider to be more rewarding than high school. Since we will be dealing with more complex contents, which are closely related to our interests, a big part of our success will depend on how we manage to work in this new environment and learning rythm and material.
    In order to achieve this I found myself in the need to include some changes in my life, like starting new habits and routines, which provide me with sufficient time to practice and complete the tasks.
    Over all I think college education will be a interesting challenge to take and I´m looking forward to see its results.

  25. Hello!
    1- I think being a collage student is not as simple as it seems. It will really change my mind and it will help me to realize different things in many aspects of my life, in the personal and professional way as a teacher in the future.
    2- I think the long texts are my nightmares. I don't really enjoy reading because I get bored very quickly. I don't have any problem with my writing skills so I don't thing writing homeworks will be a problem for me.
    3- I definitely have to change my study times, I cannot concentrate during the day, I'm proactive at night and sometimes I can't study at that time because I'm tired and stressed because of my work or college.

  26. Hello everyone.
    1. College will be more rewarding for me as a learner because I will be able to learn things that I enjoy.
    2. The time managing.
    3. Organize my time.

  27. Hi everyone!

    Personally, after reading the comparative table, college is more satisfying than high school. First of all, when you are in college you have the freedom to study the course you wish. Also, you can dress up with whatever you want.
    In addition, i expect to find most challenging try to study all the subjects and also have the skills to become a teacher.
    Finally, I think i have to distribute my time between work and study.
    Thank you for the information. See you soon!

  28. Hi Sandra! Here are my answers
    1- I think that the most rewarding thing for me will be the fact of passing the subjects, since college requires a greater effort at the time of studying, completely different from high school. College is a more difficult level, because all the contents that give us to study are more complex.
    2- I expect to organize my study time, that will be the most challeging thing for me. As I said before, college takes more time to study, it is more responsibility, therefore I must organize my schedules well.
    3- I have to be more dedicated in my studies and I have to try to manage my times better to achieve success in college.

  29. Hi! Everyone!
    1)well, I think that in college you will learn and develop the ability to write academic texts correctly, among other things.
    2) In my case, I can't understand a text by reading only once. I believe that with the many different academic texts, I will be able to improve this understanding faster.
    3) In this moment,I'm working. The good thing would be to leave this to have more concentration and dedication in each subject.

  30. Hello!
    1) I think college will be more rewarding for me because I'm studying something that I really enjoy and choose by myself. That is the thing that I like the most about college, you choose your future, but you have to be very serious and sure about which degree you are going to study, because when you do something that you always desire the process will be less difficult to you.

    2) the most challenging thing for me definitely would be time management, I have the terrible habit of procrastinate the things that I have to do, and it's very stressful for me when i feel the time pressure because I don't have a problem with reading very long texts and comprehend them, but if I haven't got enough time it's completly useless.

    3) I definitely have to manage my time way better, and try to be more organizad with my class notes. If I can handle that I'm sure my process during each subject will grow.

  31. Hello, Miss!
    Here are my answers:
    1) I think college will be more rewarding for me because I will learn new things that will be usefull in the work field. Also, I really like English and it's easier for me to do this degree and feel rewarded when I understand new content.
    2) The most challenging aspect is going to be the final exams.
    3) I think I have to change my time and organization so I can succes with each subject.
    See you soon!

  32. Hello everyone!
    I think that we are all used to the upgrades of the material we have to read as we grow up. It happened when we went from primary school to secondary school, but the change when you go from high school to college is completely different and sometimes scary, since are an adult, you have to start figuring everything out on your own.
    Here are my answers:
    1) I think that college will be more rewarding for us as learners in the way that it will be our decision whether we want to start studying or not. There is not the same pressure as it was in high school. We also have complete freedom when it comes to choose the career that we want to pursue, so, since the things that we will have to learn and study are majorly from our preference, there´s a high probability that we are going to fulfill them without much trouble or complaint.
    2) I expect to find most challenging the fact that I now have to start doing everything by myself, be more aware of how and when I need to study and start to learn how to organize and manage my time and tasks I need to complete.
    3) I think that to ensure success in college, I might have to change how I manage my time, in a way that I can balance studying while being well-rested and having a healthy life.

  33. Greetings Sandra and classmates
    To begin with, college admission implies a new chapter in students' lives that is constantly written throughout the years. New challenges arise from many angles, especially on a personal and social level. Despite being overwhelmed by uncertainty, we should bear in mind that life means confronting every unexpected situation and acquiring knowledge and skills from them in order to achieve our goals.
    So by taking into consideration everything discussed so far, here are my answers:
    1. As a learner, I assume college will be more rewarding if we work out our weaknesses and beef up our strengths.
    2. With regards to challenges, I believe maintaining a schedule routine is my major concern. Organizing time and choosing the most helpful learning methods are easy to set up, but the real issue is time management and how pliable and willing you are to fulfill it. At least, from my point of view.
    3. I assume that if I want to ensure my success in college, I must brush results off. As far as I'm concerned, patience has allowed me to understand and appreciate the path of my decisions even if they are not as good as I expect. Besides, results are not immediate, and the process is definitely more rewarding than the objective itself.
    Therefore, as long as I am myself and comfortable with my process, there is nothing to worry about.

  34. Hello miss.
    This is my comment about Reading and Writing in College.
    1) From my point of view, I think that college will be more rewarding if the secondary school gives us more skills to prepare for college.
    2) The aspects of colleges that could be most challenging are the exams and the books we have to read. There are more difficult to understand and study.
    3) I think that I have to pay more attention and do things early.

  35. Hi there,
    College is usually considered a new chapter in life because of all the changes that come with it. High school experience is absolutely different from going to college, it is not only about how much more your teachers expect from you, thing that might make a lot of people feel pressured, but also because of the amount of material that has to be read, understood and handed in, so you can properly become a professional some day.
    So with that being said, here are my answers:
    1. I consider that in college instead of high school, you learn in order to reach a personal achievement. And also when you are in college your effort and improvement is more personal, along with committed to self-study.
    2. Based on my experience, the aspect of college that I found quite challenging was time management. I took many subjects at the same time, and sometimes I didn’t have enough time to study them fully.
    3- I think I'll need to manage my time in a better way since I tend to procrastinate and not give the time it deserves to studying. But I feel I'm trully commited to it now. After I realized that this is what I want to do.

  36. Herce Barricarte Carla21 de julio de 2022, 4:00 p.m.

    Hello miss, here are my answers:
    1. In what ways do you think college will be more rewarding for you as a learner?
    I think the challenge will be more rewarding, as all the subjects I study are focused on what I want to be, the career I have chosen.
    2. What aspects of college do you expect to find most challenging?
    I think that the amount of content to be learned will be more in-depth, with more demands.
    3. What changes do you think you might have to make in your life to ensure your success in college?
    I think that the amount of content to be learned will be more in-depth, with more demands.

  37. Hello everybody! Here are my answers:

    1. I think that college will be more rewarding for me
    as a learner in terms of getting advanced knowledge. It
    prepares every student to be a great professional in the future.

    2. In my opinion, I find those expository assignments more
    challenging because we need to be able to manage a formal
    and technical vocabulary. That's something hard to do due to the
    different areas we have to explore during our Enligsh Teacher
    Training Course.

    3. After some time thinking about it, I came to the conclusion
    that I practically need to make a big change in my life to ensure
    my success in college. It's been a while since the last time I
    took my studies this seriously, so I guess I can say that I really
    got used to how my life was during quarantine. I think that
    I need to be more organized, for example.

  38. Good night, I'm Sebastian Torres and here are my answers:
    1) Not only will I be able to properly utilize new methods and ways of summarizing and reading, but also will be useful later in my life as I will be using it with frequency.

    2) I find challenging the idea of studying all the topics related to the subject and the preparation process that will form you as a professional in the subject you have been learning all this time. One example would be the assignments that require you to use a specific way of talking or writing as you have to keep them in mind in order to do it right.

    3) I'm sure that I will be changing the way I organize my timetable and activities because if I don't learn to prioritize things I will never be able to get anything done. I learnt that during my last year at secondary school but just recently got the chance to put it in practice.

  39. Sorry for the late response, I'm Garro Marina

    1. In what ways do you think college will be more rewarding for you as a learner?
    I think that college will be more rewarding for me if they provide more tools for students to develop what we learn

    2. What aspects of college do you expect to find most challenging?
    I think that all the subjects have their own challenge and that is good in a certain way because it help us to work harder to achieve our goals

    3. What changes do you think you might have to make in your life to ensure your success in college?
    The most challenging thing for me may be more responsible and organised with my timetable

  40. 1) I think that it will more rewarding because I like it what I am studying.
    2) I think the most challenging aspect of the university are the final exams, they demand a lot of study and therefore more time to study.
    3)I have to be more organized and take more time to study.

  41. 1) I'm going to be honest,It's more difficult so I think maybe learn how to deal with more complex subjects and themes.

    2)Rigth now maybe be at time with homework.

    3) I need to learn to adjust to this kind of things and be more responsible with homework.

  42. 1) In my opinion I think college it"s most difficult than high school, there are so many things that college take it for granted that students don"t know. It"s challenging for them.
    2) Take notes and the finals I think it"s the most challenging because sometimes the teacher talks really fast so their students couldn"t follow her/him.
    3) I need to be more responsible and more focus too.

  43. 1. In what ways do you think college will be more rewarding for you as a learner?
    I think college will be more rewarding for me because of the freedom that I have of choosing a career. I'm studying what I like, it doesn't mean that is going to be easier, but it'll be less frustrating.

    2. What aspects of college do you expect to find most challenging?
    That you have to approach the different subjects in various ways, discovering which strategy of studying complements well with a subject.

    3. What changes do you think you might have to make in your life to ensure your success in college?
    Organize my timetable and be more responsible, otherwise it will be more difficult than it already is.
